vrijdag 15 oktober 2010

business meeting

The Personnel Manager, Frankfurt

I’ve seen that communication in our company can improve by better communication between head office and employees. Our employees need more information about how does what at the company. They want to be informed about work in other subsidiaries.

How to improve the magazine
·         What’s the purpose of the magazine?
(to inform, to convince, to motivate)
·         I suggest more interviews with different employees.
(people get information about doing their job.)
·         I would like more real news.
(people are  more involved in the company)
·         I think it’s important that employees in different countries can read the magazine, so I propose to press the magazine also in another international language. I suggest German of French. (than more people can read the magazine).
·         I would prefer a magazine with a simply lay-out. (a glossy magazine costs a lot) 

How to improve the communication
·         I suggest to create an intranet site.
(site gives information about who does what, product information, strategy and management.)
·         Maybe it’s possible for the assistant to the communications manager to follow a course ‘how to create an intranet site’.

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