maandag 4 oktober 2010

assignment 4 MEMO

Dear managers,

By this way I send you a memo about organizing a Super Sports Day for all Dutch and American employees and their family’s . I promises you to summing up my arguments to organized this day:
·         It’s important for the team spirit of our company that our Dutch and American employees meet each other.
·         It’s important to involve family members at the work of our employees.
·         I would develop informal team meetings. 
·         By organizing a Super Sports Day the name of our company will be mentioned.

We will start the day with coffee and cake. Every group is a mix of Americam and Dutch employees. During the day it’s important that there are activities where employees have to cooperate together. The day will be organized as a completion.  At the end of the day there will be barbecue for informal contact.

I’ll hope this information will decide you to give me permission to organized this day. I should like to receive your answer within a week.

Yours sincerely,

Inge van Beek

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