maandag 4 oktober 2010

assignment 12: letter of complaint

Daws House
Derek Jefferson
33-35 Daws Lane
London NW7 4SD

27 september 2010, Zutphen

Dear Mr. Jefferson,

Last week your company designed and printed a brochure about the Christmas concert for War Child. I’m satisfied about the brochure I received. 
First of all I discovered a spelling mistakes in the name of Robbie Williams. I miss the s at the end of his back name. It’s Robbie Williams.
The second point is that I miss the program. Within a week I would to receive new correct brochures.
If I don’t receive your new printed brochure I will contact my lawyer.  I also have a lot of business connections and if this case is not seriously treat I will tell them about your bad service. I hope you treat my complaint seriously.
I’m reachable at my phone number and my email. From Monday till Friday from 09.00 to 17.00.

I hope I’ll receive a reaction soon.

Yours Sincerely,

Inge van Beek
06- 12345678

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