maandag 4 oktober 2010

assignment 2d Email

To: ………………………….
Subject: Dress code of the Princess Hall Theatre

Dear employee,

Visitors of the Princess Hall theatre are mostly are very satisfied about the service of our staff. We are very proud of the service our employees are delivering at our clients. Last week there have been some complaints from clients about staff being too casually dressed. Management would like to create a dress code  for our employees. We think it’s important to involve our employees by the creating process of the dress code. It’s important that the outfit feels comfortable, but also important that it’s representative. I hope you will cooperate to create a new dress code by describing your ideas.
I would like to receive your description within a week. You’ll receive the results of the poll within two weeks from now.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Yours faithfully,

Inge van Beek

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