maandag 14 maart 2011

blog assignment 3

When it’s 2016…

At the moment I´m a corporate communication student at the HU in Utrecht. Sometimes I dream about the future. I dream that I have successfully finished this course.  There are different jobs I’m dreaming off:
·         Communication officer
·         Chief-editor of a magazine
·         Journalist
·         photographer
·         writer
·         columnist
·         web designer
·         employee behind the scenes on television
·         reporter

these jobs are completely different. Within the four years I was studying corporate communication I have learned special skills to do these jobs. The problem is that I like a lot of skills. It’s difficult for me to choose.  So I have a broad vision.

When  I dream about my colleagues in 2016 I see a big team with people who are working hard. In my team there are several older colleagues with a lot of experience. There are also young colleagues with much inspiration and fantasy.

After I finished my working day I go home. In 2016 I live in a huge villa in Blaricum with my boyfriend Gregory van der Wiel. He is a famous soccer player in the Dutch national football team. In the evening I live a busy jet set live. We are visiting new films, famous restaurants and jet set party’s. With other football women I go to Amsterdam Arena and support the men. We are sitting in the V.I.P. room and drink a bottle of Champaign.

Unfortunately, It is a dream, But first of all I have to study hard to get my graduate.

maandag 28 februari 2011

blog assignment 2

I´m still living at home. I live in Zutphen, a small city in the east of the Netherlands. It’s a nice place with a lot of old buildings and a beautiful nature.

The first reason that I live at home is I like to be at home. I have a sociable family and nice friends. My dog is my biggest friend. When I do my homework he’s lying in my neighborhood. Then I feel comfortable.

The second reason to stay home is that I don’t to give up my comfortable life. I prefer quality stuff. When I spend my money to a expensive room there’s no money left to live my luxuriously life. When I have a room in Utrecht I have a small budget for buying food and new clothes. I haven’t also enough money to go out.

Another argument to live in Zutphen is the fact that I don’t like to be alone. I have been attached to my life in Zutphen. I don’t like to leave my favorite place.

A disadvantage is the long distance. Every day I travel to Utrecht. It takes a lot of time to arrive at uni. I travel four hours a day. I have a drivers license, but in the morning there is often traffic-jam. When I travel by train I first have take the bus. In Utrecht I also take the bus.

Another disadvantage is that is miss the exciting life of a student. The party’s and living together with students seems me fantastic.

Next year I hope to live in Utrecht. I'm looking for a room in the centre of Utrecht. I’m afraid for to give up my familiar life, but a new life in Utrecht will bring me a lot of experiences.

dinsdag 8 februari 2011

blog assignment 1

My first half year at uni
My first half year at uni was a surprise. I suspected a new school with some nice new friends. It was a challenge and a new start in my life. I looked forward to work with new subjects. 

I met my classmates and my new counsellor at the introduction. It was a nice group of persons. All the persons were interested in the same education subjects. I have worked together with different students and I like it to work with different people. With some people of the group I have good personal contact. The HU is my new home now.

I have a lot of work to do, but the subject are interesting. I like it to work at websites, to write articles, to organize presentations and to devise posters and folders. I have a lot of pleasure to photograph. I made a website to present my photography.    

English is difficult for me. I have dyslexia. Writing in foreign languages is hard for me. It takes a lot of time to write and read in English. It doesn´t matter to work hard, because I want to improve my English. It´s necessary for me to get feedback about my assignments. I would like to get advice how to improve my work.

I have to possibility to live in Utrecht, but I prefer to go home every day. At home it’s quite and I have a nice study room. My dog is nice companionship for me.

I like my study and my schoolmates. I hope to finish within four years. When I have finished my study, I prefer a nice job with interesting colleagues

vrijdag 15 oktober 2010

business meeting

The Personnel Manager, Frankfurt

I’ve seen that communication in our company can improve by better communication between head office and employees. Our employees need more information about how does what at the company. They want to be informed about work in other subsidiaries.

How to improve the magazine
·         What’s the purpose of the magazine?
(to inform, to convince, to motivate)
·         I suggest more interviews with different employees.
(people get information about doing their job.)
·         I would like more real news.
(people are  more involved in the company)
·         I think it’s important that employees in different countries can read the magazine, so I propose to press the magazine also in another international language. I suggest German of French. (than more people can read the magazine).
·         I would prefer a magazine with a simply lay-out. (a glossy magazine costs a lot) 

How to improve the communication
·         I suggest to create an intranet site.
(site gives information about who does what, product information, strategy and management.)
·         Maybe it’s possible for the assistant to the communications manager to follow a course ‘how to create an intranet site’.

dinsdag 12 oktober 2010

assignment 8 interview wit catherine cummings

1. What is remarkable about the comments and the bloggers of the Federal Reserve Bank?

The comments and the bloggers are anonymous.

2. The Federal Reserve Bank opened a blog to create “buzz”. What is meant by this, in other words, what was the purpose of opening a blog?

They mean with buzz that more people visite the website and that they use it often. The purpose of opening a blog was to bring buzz back to internet traffic so the people cheque the site more often for regular news.

3. What was the female recruiting manager’s blog mainly about?

It was mainly about the theme how to combine to be a good mother and to be a good manager. How to do the duties everyone ask for.

4. What was the purpose of her blog?

To about the questions employees could have to do their job as well as possible.get advices from other people for her problems. The organisation got a lot of information.
5. Which words show that the FED does exercise a form of control on the blogs?

The words usually regulated .

6. By what kind of people were the very first FED blogs written?

They were written by the senior managers.

7. Have the blogs changed the way that people who work for the FED think about
internal communications ?

Yes, the people know by experience that collective stuff is a subject to  develop transformation. More employees are driven to the website.

8. What is the latest development in the company as far as media are concerned?

They place videoflatscreens in elevators of the bank to give the last information to the people.

9. Catherine Cummings says that this medium to communicate with staff is better than an older medium. Which more old-fashioned way of communicating with staff does she mention?

Its more effective than a mother who tells you where you have to think of that day.

10. What is the next big thing in social media at the FED?

They hold sessions with managers and employees to develop effective  transformations. They have consultants to develop more websites in Chicago

assignment 11 Reply to a request

To: Dreamtime Movies Universal Ltd.

27 September 2010, Zutphen

Dear Sir/Madam,

In your letter of 20 September 2010 you ask me to send a brochure and prices list. Unfortunately, I haven’t got the new brochure of 2010. I can offer you to send the new brochure in another language. Please tell me the four languages you prefer. I’ll send it to you as soon as possible.

I checked your website and maybe it’s an idea to renew  your website. It isn’t up to date anymore. Our company also offer website editing services. We have the possibilities to restyle your website, keep it up to date or give it a complete new look. If you are interested please contact me. I’m available on Monday till Friday from 09.00 to 17.00.

I enclose a price list for the editing services.

Yours faithfully,

Inge van Beek
Manager editing services

blog 4 Antonie Kamerling

Last Thursday I saw news about the dead of Antonie Kamerling. He committed suicide. I was in shock. He was a famous actor, musical star and singer. He was one of my favorites.  He had a great talent for everything he did. It’s a pity that couldn’t see how talented he was.

He started his career in the soap “Goede Tijden, Slechte Tijden”.  He played the character of Peter Kelder. It was a young boy with a leather jacket. His character was an important role. He made “Goeden Tijden, Slechte Tijden” a look figure hit. A lot of young girls loved Peter Kelder.

After three years he played important characters in different movies. A couple of movies are: “De kleine blonde dood”, “Feestje!”, “Ik ook van jou” and “suite 16”.
He also played in television serials. Some of these are: “All Stars”, “Windkracht 10”and “Voetbalvrouwen”. When he played in All Stars he scored a number one hit. “Toen ik je zag”.
He loved to play the piano and to write songs. He made his own CD called “Feel”.

He was beloved by general public. A lot of famous Netherlands artists will miss Antonie as a friend. His children will miss him as a wonderful father. Isa, his wife, will miss him as a unique partner. Holland will miss Antonie as one of the most talented persons in the Dutch movie history.