maandag 28 februari 2011

blog assignment 2

I´m still living at home. I live in Zutphen, a small city in the east of the Netherlands. It’s a nice place with a lot of old buildings and a beautiful nature.

The first reason that I live at home is I like to be at home. I have a sociable family and nice friends. My dog is my biggest friend. When I do my homework he’s lying in my neighborhood. Then I feel comfortable.

The second reason to stay home is that I don’t to give up my comfortable life. I prefer quality stuff. When I spend my money to a expensive room there’s no money left to live my luxuriously life. When I have a room in Utrecht I have a small budget for buying food and new clothes. I haven’t also enough money to go out.

Another argument to live in Zutphen is the fact that I don’t like to be alone. I have been attached to my life in Zutphen. I don’t like to leave my favorite place.

A disadvantage is the long distance. Every day I travel to Utrecht. It takes a lot of time to arrive at uni. I travel four hours a day. I have a drivers license, but in the morning there is often traffic-jam. When I travel by train I first have take the bus. In Utrecht I also take the bus.

Another disadvantage is that is miss the exciting life of a student. The party’s and living together with students seems me fantastic.

Next year I hope to live in Utrecht. I'm looking for a room in the centre of Utrecht. I’m afraid for to give up my familiar life, but a new life in Utrecht will bring me a lot of experiences.

dinsdag 8 februari 2011

blog assignment 1

My first half year at uni
My first half year at uni was a surprise. I suspected a new school with some nice new friends. It was a challenge and a new start in my life. I looked forward to work with new subjects. 

I met my classmates and my new counsellor at the introduction. It was a nice group of persons. All the persons were interested in the same education subjects. I have worked together with different students and I like it to work with different people. With some people of the group I have good personal contact. The HU is my new home now.

I have a lot of work to do, but the subject are interesting. I like it to work at websites, to write articles, to organize presentations and to devise posters and folders. I have a lot of pleasure to photograph. I made a website to present my photography.    

English is difficult for me. I have dyslexia. Writing in foreign languages is hard for me. It takes a lot of time to write and read in English. It doesn´t matter to work hard, because I want to improve my English. It´s necessary for me to get feedback about my assignments. I would like to get advice how to improve my work.

I have to possibility to live in Utrecht, but I prefer to go home every day. At home it’s quite and I have a nice study room. My dog is nice companionship for me.

I like my study and my schoolmates. I hope to finish within four years. When I have finished my study, I prefer a nice job with interesting colleagues