maandag 6 september 2010

blog 1 let me first introduce myself

My name is Inge van Beek and I'm 18 years old. I live in Zutphen, a small place in the east of the Netherlands. I have one brother, his name is Sven. He is 20 years old and we are friends.

I'm studying for company communication in Utrecht. I chose this course because I like to make interviews, I like photography and I like to write about diffrent subjects. It seems me nice to work for radio, television and magazines. Utrecht is a new town for me. Í've never been there before.

During the UIT-week, a introductionweek fot new students I met a lot of new friends. It was easy for me to make contact with so many diffrent people. The week was well organised. I enjoyed the party's, the dinners and the sociability.

I like latin dancing, music, and theatre. Latin dancing is my sport. I train 4 times a week. On sunday I have a danscompetition. Several times I win prices. I also work at the dansschool.

An other job is working at the local hospital. I give patients their food, I clean the rooms and I try to be good company for the patients. Sometimes they are lonely and I talk to them.

Finally, I made a good start in Utrecht and I hope the next four years will be one of the nicest periods of my life.

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