maandag 20 september 2010

blog 2 Pride and Prejudice

My favorite film is Pride and Prejudice. I think the film is very beautiful and the story is wonderful. That's why i'm going to tell you what the film is about.

The story is about the Family Bennet. Mr Bennet and Mrs Bennet has 5 daughters. Jan, Elizabeth, Marry, Kitty and Lydia. When a rich young bachelor arrived in longbourn, there´s great excitment by Mrs Bennet. She wants that her daughters safely marry. The girls went to a ball, they met Mr bingley, the rich man and his friend Mr Darcy. Mr Bingly loves Jane, she is the eldest daughter.
At the end of the story they get married.
Mr Darcy showed no intrest in any of the girls, But he is fond of Elizabeth. Mr Darce write her a letter to apologise for his behaviour. Then Elizabeth realised that she loved him. some time passes and then Elizabeth went away with her aunt and uncle. In the house were she stayed she met Mr Darcy. Then she received a letter from home, her sister lydia ran away.
They are searching for her. When she´s found, lydia married her lover. First they think the brother of the father has found her and paid the money for the wedding, but than they heard Mr Darcy had found her. He did this for Elizabeth. At the end of the story Mr Bingley and Jane are engaged ans Elizabeth accepts Mr Darcy.

maandag 6 september 2010

blog 1 let me first introduce myself

My name is Inge van Beek and I'm 18 years old. I live in Zutphen, a small place in the east of the Netherlands. I have one brother, his name is Sven. He is 20 years old and we are friends.

I'm studying for company communication in Utrecht. I chose this course because I like to make interviews, I like photography and I like to write about diffrent subjects. It seems me nice to work for radio, television and magazines. Utrecht is a new town for me. Í've never been there before.

During the UIT-week, a introductionweek fot new students I met a lot of new friends. It was easy for me to make contact with so many diffrent people. The week was well organised. I enjoyed the party's, the dinners and the sociability.

I like latin dancing, music, and theatre. Latin dancing is my sport. I train 4 times a week. On sunday I have a danscompetition. Several times I win prices. I also work at the dansschool.

An other job is working at the local hospital. I give patients their food, I clean the rooms and I try to be good company for the patients. Sometimes they are lonely and I talk to them.

Finally, I made a good start in Utrecht and I hope the next four years will be one of the nicest periods of my life.